Join the course's Moodle community of the Economia e management track (in Italian) or the course's Moodle community of the Economics and Management track (in English) to receive notices and updates from the program coordinators.

The academic year provides the teaching activities over two semesters.
There are different kind of didactic activities:

  • frontal lessons
  • workshop
  • discussion  group
  • individual and group research
  • individual and group studying

For each credit (ECTS) there are 25 hours of teaching activities (lessons, workshops, labs, seminars, ecc.) and individual studying.

Admission requirements

Enrolling students need to demonstrate that they meet admission requirements for the degree course, and are therefore required to pass several tests whose goal is to determine their knowledge in some discipline areas.
In detail, applicants must pass a test in:

  • computer science
  • foreign language
  • maths

For further information: Admission requirements

Course contents - Syllabi

The Syllabus of each activity contains relevant information such as: name of the lecturers, teaching and learning resources, number of credits (CFU), specific prerequisites (if any) and type of exam (oral and/or written examintation, paper...). 
You can find the Syllabi on the Esse3 online platform.

Academic calendar, course schedule and rooms

Exam sessions

To take the exams of the didactic activities foreseen by the course, you must register for the appeal of each exam during the registration period

  • for the exams of the didactic activities of the study course you register for the exams by logging in to the Esse3 system.
  • for foreign language tests and computer-based language tests, the registration rules  are described on the Exams page of the CLA ("Centro linguistico d'Ateneo", i.e. "University Language Center").

Study plan

In order to be admitted to the exams, you must have previously uploaded the courses in your transcript of records (“Carriera”) from your Esse3 web area by filling in the Study Plan within the rules and time frames set for the Department of Economics and Managment.

Teaching and learning resources


Enrolled students have the opportunity to access the tutoring service provided by senior tutor students.

Aggiornato il
11 October 2024