If you want to know the contents of the courses, you can have a look at the Syllabus

Mandatory courses
Course name Credits
Computability and computational complexity 6
Innovation and Business in ICT 6
Foundation of Computer Science - 2 courses chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Distributed systems 1 6
Machine learning 6
Service Design and Engineering 6


Complements of Communication and Electronic Engineering - 1 course chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Simulation and performance evaluation 6
Advanced remote sensing systems 6
Computer Vision 6
Multimedia Data Security 6
Softwarized and virtualized mobile network 6
Advanced computing architectures 6


A specialization area chosen from the following list


Area Computational Foundations - 18 Credits chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Formal methods: module 1 and module 2 12
Knowledge and Data Integration 6
Distributed systems 2 6
Concurrency 6
Optimization techniques 6
Quantum Machine Learning 6
Game Theory 6
Knowledge Graph Engineering 6


Area Cybersecurity - 18 Credits chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Privacy-Enhanced Technologies 6
Blockchain 6
Offensive Technologies 12
Network Security 6
Cyber Security Risk Assessment 6
Introduction to Computer and Network Security 6
Privacy and Intellectual Property Rights 6


Area Data Science - 18 credits chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Data Mining 6
Knowledge and Data Integration 6
Deep learning 6
High-Performance Computing for Data Science 6
Knowledge Graph Engineering  
Human Machine Dialogue  
Spatial Databases 6
Affective computing 6
Data Visualization Lab 6


Area Bioinformatics - 18 credits chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Knowledge and Data Integration 6
Laboratory of Biological Data Mining 6
High-Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis 6
Algorithms for Bioinformatics 6
Bioinformatics Resources 6
Knowledge Graph Engineering  


Area Software and Service Architectures - 18 credits chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Web Architectures 6
Requirements Engineering 6
Security Testing 6
Autonomous Software Agents 6
Advanced Programming 6
Advanced HCI 6
Formal methods: module 1 and module 2 12


Area Systems and Networks - 18 credits chosen from the following table
Course name Credits
Robot Planning and its application 6
Low-power wireless networking for the Internet of Things 6
Real-Time Operating Systems and Middleware 6
Network Security 6
Distributed systems 2 6
Fog and Cloud Computing 6
Multisensory Interactive Systems 6


Courses from different areas, free choice courses, internship and thesis
Educational activity Credits
Courses can be picked from areas other than the one you chose 18
Free choice courses 24
Training and orientation internship 6
Thesis 24
Aggiornato il
30 January 2023