Level: LM-75 Master course
Duration: 2 years
Language: English
Admission: public selection
- Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM, University of Trento)
- Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck).
Students fulfilling all the requirements prescribed in the curriculum will be awarded:
- by the University of Innsbruck the degree of "Master of Science"
- by the University of Trento the degree "Laurea magistrale in Environmental Meteorology".
The programme benefits from the specific expertise of the partner universities in the multiple and interdisciplinary aspects of the environmental aspects connected to meteorology. The synergy among the partners and their various competences give the students a unique opportunity to develop knowledge and be introduced to various future activities within weather services, environmental agencies, universities and research institutes, companies, and as free professionals.
For further information please follow these links:
Course content
Students' activities within the MSc Programme in Environmental Meteorology consist of lectures and may include class/lab practice, field activity, seminars or internships.
In order to complete the programme students will have to complete the activities envisaged in their Study Plans for a total of 120 ECTS. These activities include mandatory courses, optional courses and MSc Thesis.
First year lectures are offered at the University of Trento.
In second year for the first semester lectures will be given at the University of Innsbruck.
The fourth semester is free of courses to allow students working on their master thesis. This activity may be perfomed either in Trento or in Innsbruck, upon agreement with the supervisor.
For further information see the Courses page.
For further detailed information about the Master’s degree programme please check the corresponding Study plan ("Manifesto degli studi") for the current academic year.