From academic year 2023/2024, the course in Information and Communications Engineering is replaced by the new Master's Degree in Information Engineering.
The Master's Degree in Information and Communications Engineering and this website remain available only for students who have enrolled in the previous years.


The Programme is divided into two curricula and each curriculum provides two specialization areas:

Curriculum Information and Communication Engineering with the following specialization areas:

  • "Signal Processing and Understanding”, aimed to provide vertical expertise in the design and analysis of information for various application areas such as multimedia, environmental remote sensing, assistive technologies and biomedical, digital security and smart cities
  • "Wireless and Networking” aims to provide in-depth expertise in the study, design, and development of wireless systems for communications, radar and telecommunications networks, as well as their application in terrestrial and aerospace

Curriculum ICT Innovation with the following specialization areas:

  • Internet Technology and Architecture
  • Visual Computing and Communication

The ICT Innovation curriculum also allow students to participate in the EIT Digital Master School program, held in a consortium of European top universities and lead together with business partners.

Most courses include laboratory classes to provide students with a thorough practical knowledge, as well as a broad theoretical background on subjects they are more interested in.

"Information and Communication Engineering" Curriculum

Common activities for all areas
Courses and activities Credits (ECTS)
Digital signal processing 9
Innovation and Business in ICT
Recognition systems
Inverse problems and optimization
Technical English

Signal processing and Understanding Area

First Year  
Computer Vision
Multimedia Data Security
Radar and Radiolocalization
Second Year  
Advanced Remote Sensing Systems
Imaging and Diagnostic Techniques
A course to be chosen among:  
Introduction to Computer and Network Security
Intelligent Optimization for Data Science
Knowledge and Data Integration

Wireless and Networking Area

First Year
Radar Architectures and Systems 6 credits
Mobile and Satellite communications 9 credits
Communications Systems 6 credits
Second Year
Network Modeling and Design 6 credits
Imaging and diagnostic techniques 9 credits
A course to be chosen among:
Introduction to Computer and Network Security 6 credits
Intelligent Optimization for Data Science 6 credits
Data Mining 6 credits
"ICT Innovation" Curriculum

Cloud and Networking Infrastructures Specialization Area

First Year  
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Basic 6 credits
Advanced network modeling and design 9 credits
Design of networks and communication systems 6 credits
Business Development Laboratory 9 credits
ICT Innovation 9 credits
Fog and Cloud Computing 6 credits
Softwarized and Virtualized Mobile Networks 6 credits
Mobile and Satellite communications 9 credits
Second Year  
Mandatory courses  
Radar and 5G Architectures and Systems 9 credits
Innovation and Enterpreneurship Studies in ICT 6 credits
Project course on Software Defined Networking 3 credits
Other work-related knowledge 9 credits
Internship 6 credits
Thesis 15 credits
12 credits to be chosen among:  
Design of networks and communication systems 6 credits
Imaging and Diagnostic Techniques 6 credits
Research Project 12 credits
Industrial Trends in Communications 6 credits
Softwarized and Virtualized Mobile Networks 6 credits

Visual Computing and Communications Specialization Area

First Year  
Mandatory courses  
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Basic 6 credits
Digital Signal Processing 9 credits
Multimedia Data Security 6 credits
Advanced network modeling and design 9 credits
Business Development Laboratory 9 credits
ICT Innovation 9 credits
Recognition systems 9 credits
A course to be chosen among:  
Project course on Computer Graphics 6 credits
Service Design and Engineering 6 credits
Second Year  
Mandatory courses  
Multisensory Interactive Systems 6 credits
Project course on Media Retrieval 6 credits
Innovation and Enterpreneurship Studies in ICT 6 credits
Other work-related knowledge 9 credits
Internship 6 credits
Thesis 15 credits
A course to be chosen among:  
Signal, Image, and Video 6 credits
Trends and Applications in Computer Vision 6 credits
2 courses to be chosen among:  
Data Mining 6 credits
Introduction to Computer and Network Security 6 credits
Knowledge and Data Integration 6 credits
Industrial Trends in Communications 6 credits
Affective Computing 6 credits
Aggiornato il
13 March 2023