• Level: Master's degree
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Italian classification: LM-27 - Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni (Telecommunications Engineering)
  • Language of the course: English
  • Access mode: Limited enrollment with public admission procedure
  • Location: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, via Sommarive 9, 38123 Povo (Trento)


The educational path ostarts with the consolidation of the foundational topics in the area, in particular digital signal processing, networking and recognition systems. 

Next, students can choose among four different curricula:

  1. Communications Engineering, in the area of communication systems and telecommunications networks and their applications
  2. Computer Engineering, i.e. information acquisition, processing, and learning, distributed services and computing, data protection and their applications
  3. Electronic Engineering, in the field of analog and digital electronics, large scale and computing architectures, sensors design and networking
  4. Biomedical Engineering, in the areas of biomedical engineering, from the foundational aspects in bioengineering and biomedical signal processing to the integration with information systems and the interaction with applications as robotis and sport technologies.

Students will experience innovative teaching paradigms and will be provided with an all round perspective of the rich research and industrial context in which the acquired knowledge can be applied. 

The training path blends lectures and laboratory activities for a hands-on application of the theoretical aspects, also promoting the participation of companies and industries which support projects, give seminars and offer company internships.
This will favor the ability of students to communicate, improving autonomous learning, and experiencing real-world problems.

Teaching activities include frontal lectures, laboratory activities, thematic seminars and internship. The educational method is also devoted to challenge-based learning, as well as to a renewed focus on soft-skills, an essential feature for a successful professional figure.

The expected results are verified through exams, evaluation of papers or softwares developed by students, evaluation of lab activities.

Learning outcomes

Graduates in Information Engineering are able to conceive, design and manage complex systems that involve a number of challenges ranging from the acquisition, processing, extraction of information, as well as all the aspects related to data transmission, archiving and protection; to this end, during the development of their academic career, they will acquire a broad set of skills in interdisciplinary application contexts.

They develop a solid technical and scientific knowledge in the area of information engineering, which in particular declines into:

  • knowledge of the most advanced methodologies and tools for the design of acquisition, transmission and processing systems for heterogeneous signals and data
  • ability to design, engineer and manage intelligent systems
  • solid command of engineering methodologies to understand the limits and criticalities of a system
  • capability to understand how to implement technology transfer and business management. 

The knowledge acquired can be widely used in a large number of application and industrial contexts, which include not only the sphere of systems related to telecommunications, but range over a vast pool of related domains and application sectors, with a broad vision.

Professional profiles - Job opportunities

The skills acquired guarantee employability in a wide range of areas, which include both the corporate or industry sector, as well as prominent research-oriented positions in institutes or academia.

A non-exhaustive list includes the following fields:

  • companies in the areas of resarch and development, engineering, production and marketing of products and services in the fields of telecommunications, networks, signal processing, electronics, information technology and biomedical engineering
  • companies operating in domains that need skills for the development and use of communication systems and infrastructures and data and signal processing to support internal organisation, production and marketing
  • companies dealing with design, supply and maintenance of services provided via telematic networks, sensor networks, distributed architectures and the Internet
  • companies supplying structures and services for IT systems and networks
  • research and development centres, both public and private.

Further studies

The Master's degree in Information Engineering provides knowledge, skills and training for entering PhD courses in Italy and abroad.

At the University of Trento there is a specific doctoral programme in Information Engineering and Computer Science (IECS).

Aggiornato il
8 March 2023