Teaching and Learning Activities (lectures, labs, internships) are organized in two academic years (four semesters).
One CFU ('Credito Formativo Universitario') is worth one ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit and corresponds to about 25 hours, inclusive of class hours (6-to-10 depending on the activity) in addition to indipendent study.
Student handbook, Programme, Regulations, Syllabus
The Programme ("Manifesto degli studi") document includes all the courses offered for your course in the current academic year.
The Programme regulations (“Regolamento Didattico”) indicates all the exams you have to pass and the rules you have to follow in order to fill in your Study plan and to obtain the Master's degree.
The Course Syllabus provide all information about course program, teachers, bibliography, credits and assessment. You can find your courses syllabus by searching them on Esse3 website in Search teaching activities page.
Academic Calendar and Timetable
Study Plan
In order to register to exams, the teaching and learning activities must be included in your Student Record on Esse3.
To enter teaching and learning activities (courses) in your Student Record, you have to fill in your Study Plan in the specific periods in Esse3 - Study plan - Career plan:
- from 15th September to 15th October 2023
- from 1st to 30th November 2023
- from 1st to 31st March 2024
Only if you intend to choose an elective course other than those listed in Esse3, you have to fill in the attached form for the study plan, clearly spelt out the reasons for choosing a non-MEIS course must be clearly spelt out and submit the form to sis [at] sis.unitn.it.
Your study plan request has to be approved by the Coordinator.
Examination Sessions
In order to take the exams you have to register for each course: for scheduling and deadlines please check the Exam session notice board.
Please note that this section is not entirely translated. For any doubts, please contact the MISS Office.
In order to know how to register for exams, please read the Esse3 Guide for International students.
e-Learning and University Library
Tutor assistance
Throughout the two years of the Master’s programme, students can ask for help and guidance from a dedicated tutor if and when needed.
SIS students can contact the tutor via e-mail at the address: tutor [at] sis.unitn.it
Internships, Summer Schools and similar activities
The teaching programme of the MEIS may be complemented by an internship during the second year.
Before undertaking this activity, MEIS students must
- read the rules and follow the instructions written in the document MEIS Guidelines for Internships, Summer Schools and Similar Activities
- if required, strictly observe the Guidelines for research activities in risk areas, available in Italian ("Linee guida per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca in aree a rischio") with courtesy tranlsation in English.