You can find all the information about the Final exam in the Regulation Regolamento della Prova Finale per la Laurea Magistrale in Fisica (in Italian only).

Entrance of the students in the Povo Zero's Laboratories

The students that are writing the final thesis (Laureandi) and spend time in the Povo Zero's Laboratories (also for theoretical physics) have to ask for the Entrance authorization; they have to fill in the forms in the dowload box and bring them to the Secretariat of the Department of Physics: for instructions please see Forms for access to Physics Department and Laboratories.

The students that will spend a research period in an external institution have to ask the Secretariat of the Department of Physics to activate an insurance policy: please see instructions at page Internship.

Graduation sessions and deadlines calendar

Graduation sessions, deadlines and procedures for registering for the final exam and commissions are published at the page Master’s degree in Physics.

UniTrento Alumni

Stay in touch with UniTrento even after graduation, through the UniTrento Alumni community.
Join the official UniTrento Alumni group on Linkedin

Aggiornato il
12 June 2024