Michael, PhD student at Wisconsin-Madison University, USA
The training I received at the Master's in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento reignited my passion for the discipline and prepared me to take the next step in my academic journey. The wide range of classes treating substantively diverse topics, as well as the excellent students and professors, made for an intellectually fertile environment. As a current PhD student, I am looking forward to maintaining ties with the wonderful scholars I have met, and consider Trento my home away from home.
Carlotta, researcher Doxa, Milan, Master London School of Economics, UK
After the bachelor, my interest for quantitative research methods as applied to social change, drove me to study Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento. Thanks to its practical and research-orientated approach, I learned to think critically and independently. The atmosphere at the department is very stimulating, with a high-quality teaching which is internationally recognised. I strongly advise this master, which played an important role in my professional career!
Giulia, former PhD student Wissenschafts Zentrum Berlin WZB, Germany
Per chi desidera dedicarsi alla ricerca e all'insegnamento, SSR prepara diligentemente al mondo accademico sia d'ambiente italiano che europeo. L'impostazione fortemente incentrata sul 'learning by doing' infatti, mi ha consentito di sviluppare delle skills facilmente spendibili nel mio percorso post-Magistrale, consentendomi di accedere senza troppe difficoltà ad un dottorato in Germania. L'esperienza accademica è inoltre arricchita, per chi vuole, dalle molte opportunità di lavoro come tutor, research assistant, etc. che consentono sia di crearsi un network con professori, ricercatori, dottorandi e altri studenti/esse del Dipartimento, sia di fare le prime importanti esperienze dirette di ricerca e insegnamento retribuiti
Damiano, researcher at the Netherland Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute NIDI, NL
Participating in the Master Course in Sociology and Social Research has been for me a wonderful “all-in” kind of experience: the course provided me with opportunities for academic, social, and personal growth. The MA is definitely a unique chance to meet and network with international peers and professors and strengthen a high-level expertise in the field of quantitative and qualitative social research.
Filippo, PhdD Student in Sociology at University of Trento, Italy
Gli studenti sono costantemente messi in gioco, si cerca di farli immergere nelle diverse fasi e nelle diverse metodologie di ricerca