Completion of the degree

To obtain the Master's degree, students must have completed 120 credits including those related to the final exam.

Final exam and thesis

The final exam consists of a presentation and defense of an original thesis written in English by the student under the guidance of a supervisor chosen among the professors and researchers belonging to UniTrento, or teaching professors of the degree course.

The criteria for the composition of the final exam committee, for the assignment of the final score expressed in hundred-tenths (possibly cum laude) and the procedures for submitting applications are established in the Educational Regulations of the University and in the specific Final Exam Regulations.

The Thesis Guidelines define the thesis' form and structure for each track.

Degree sessions and final exam procedure

In order to present and discuss your Master's thesis you have to complete a procedure in several steps, with mandatory deadlines.

To check graduation dates and deadlines, for general information and thesis guidelines please see page Graduation sessions, deadlines and Application for final exam procedure

Students who graduate within the degree session of March 2023 included do not need to renew the enrollment to a.y. 2022/2023 an do not have to pay tuition fee. Those students who are going to graduate in a later degree session instead, must pay the tuition fees for a.y. 2022/2023.

Commissioni esame finale Centro interdipartimentale Mente-Cervello
Commissioni esame finale Centro interdipartimentale Mente-Cervello

Thesis projects at CIMeC or UniTrento

If you want to start your thesis project in a CIMeC or another UniTrento Laboratory:

  • choose a thesis supervisor and discuss your thesis project with him or her before the beginning of the research project. The role of thesis Supervisor can be assigned to a faculty member of the University or to any teacher formally in charge of a course at the University of Trento, whose topics are coherent with the overall program. The mandatory forms and documentation required for the graduation must be signed for approval by your UniTrento thesis Supervisor only. If you are interested in a thesis projects at CIMeC you can refer to the CIMeC Research Group page.
  • you don't have to communicate the start of the thesis research period to the administrative office, but you have to respect all the graduation procedure deadlines for MCS

Thesis projects outside UniTrento

If you want to start your thesis project abroad in an institution or university, you can apply for the international mobility for thesis research abroad programme

If you want to carry out your thesis project in Italy, in an institution or university outside UniTrento, or if you want to carry out your thesis project abroad without taking part in the UniTrento international mobility programme, please follow these steps:

  • choose a thesis supervisor. The role of thesis Supervisor can be assigned only to a faculty member of the University or to any teacher formally in charge of a course at the University, whose topics are coherent with the overall program. You might decide to have a co-supervisor at the host institution, but all the mandatory forms and documentation required for the graduation must be signed by the UniTrento thesis Supervisor only.
  • Discuss your thesis project with your UniTrento supervisor before the beginning of the research project. If you have a supervisor in the host institution, the Master's thesis project must be approved by both supervisors before starting the Master's thesis research. 
  • Before the beginning of the research period, you must extend the insurance coverage to the host institution as well. Fill out the online application CIMeC - Thesis research project outside UniTrento:
    • upload the Acceptance Letter from the host institution
    • upload the Declaration Form of the thesis supervisor.
  • Wait for the approval of the MCS Admin. 
  • You are required to give constant feedbacks to your UniTrento Supervisor on your thesis work progress at the external host institution.
  • Respect all the graduation procedure deadlines for MCS.
Thesis research
Thesis research

UniTrento Alumni

Stay in touch with UniTrento even after graduation, through the UniTrento Alumni community.
Join the official UniTrento Alumni group on Linkedin.

Aggiornato il
15 November 2022