The Master programme foresees 18 University credits of internship activities, as described in the Internship regulations ("Regolamento tirocinio laurea in Interfacce e tecnologie della comunicazione e laurea magistrale in Human Computer Interaction") available in Italian only.
In Italy the internship can be carried out totally or partially:
- in an external host organization, a company, center or institute outside the University of Trento
- in structures of the University of Trento (for example laboratories at DiPSCo or at DISI or at other Departments).
You can do your traineeship as part of International mobility programs - Traineeship abroad. Please note that the internship abroad must be at least 4 months long.
Internship in Italy, external and internal
The internship can be achieved as:
- internship carried out in an host organization and in single period
- internship carried out in an host organization but splitted into different periods
- internship carried out in different host organizations and splitted into different periods.
When start
The procedure to start an internship requires some time. The suggestion is to start planning your internship at least one month before starting it.
In case of an external internship the JobGuidance procedure needs at least 2 weeks.
The Internship Project
You firstly have to find a university supervisor and then to agree with him/her on the host organization where to carry out the internship period and on a training project.
The university supervisor could be a professor in charge of the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science or of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science or of UniTrento in general.
The training project has to be unique, be structured in order to gain the 18 credits required by your master’s course and it has to describe all the planned activities, even if splitted in different periods and/or different host organizations.
Request for the beginning of the internship
After having identified your university supervisor and having arranged your training project, you can fill in the Request for the beginning of the internship.
In this online preliminary form you have to:
- describe all the training objectives according to the training project
- specify for each period the host organization and the partial or total amount of credits.
In case the internship activities are taking place in different host organizations and in different periods, the partial amount of credits gained in each period will correspond to the 18 credits required by your master’s course.
The request is one and for the entire internship project. You can’t submit more than one online preliminary form.
As soon as you have saved and submitted your request, the university supervisor receives a notification and he/she has to verify the correspondence to the previously arranged training project. Once sent, it is not possible to modify the preliminary form: please, double check it before sending it.
The JobGuidance procedure for an external internship
If you are planning to partially or totally acquire your internship credits with an external internship, you are both required to fill in the online preliminary form and then to activate the external part by following the instructions displayed by the JobGuidance Office. All the information is published at page Internship and work placement opportunities.
Final report
At the end of the internship, the student is required to write a final report, which must be structured as follows:
- brief analysis of the activities performed in terms of organizational and technological/scientific issues, with specific motivations for any failure or partial achievement of the objectives of the internship
- description of the objectives of the internship and analysis of their level of achievement
- description of the activities carried out, of the methods and tools used.
Then you will have to send it to your university supervisor for feedback.
Request for the conclusion of the internship
After having received positive feedback from your university supervisor, you can submit the Request for approval of the conclusion of the internship.
You can access this online procedure only if you have already submitted the Request for the beginning of the internship.
In the request you have to:
- describe all the internship activities
- if there are some differences in comparison to the description presented in the online preliminary form, you have to justify them
- upload the final report approved by your university supervisor.
if you have acquired all or part of the credits in an external host organization, you also have to upload the Certificate part 2, issued by the JobGuidance office in your reserved area of Esse3; before uploading it, the document has to be signed by your university supervisor.
The request for approval of the conclusion of the internship and the final report are unique and they have to refer to the internship activities at all.
After having sent the request, your university supervisor and you receive a notification. The university supervisor forwards the notification to the Student Support Office for the registration of the 18 credits in your booklet.
Recognition of the working activity as internship credits
Students with an employment consistent with the topics of the master's course can request the recognition of the working activity as internship credits. For further detailed information, please send an email to supportostudentirovereto [at]